The transitions from one medium to another in technology, led to the conversion of analog asset into a digital form. Digital form of any asset is its binary representation for the purpose of electronic use. This gave birth to a new term, viz., digital assets. The difference between regular digital data and digital asset is that assets are embedded with rights of use. Data such as text files print ready images, trademarks, logos, video files, photographs, etc with terms of use or Intellectual Property Rights all fall under the category of digital assets.
The management, such as storage and retrieval, of this kind of digital asset resource at different divisions of the organization proves to be a challenging job. To the rescue comes third party hosted data asset management and brand asset management solutions. The difference between a data asset management system and brand asset management is that while data asset management solution deals with digital assets of variable functionalities, brand asset management solution prioritize digital assets dealing with branding and marketing files of a firm.
The availability of these solutions and their features are very wide ranging. Figuring out the correct one can be done by determining the utilization and ease of accessibility and features. The storage of data in these solutions is done on cloud space so that it can be swiftly retrieved over diverse networks of a firm.
The efficiency of a solution is very much proportional to the speed at which the data can be accessed on the network. And also the ease of search proves vital. The proper handling of brand assets and their effective vigilance holds strong for marketing purposes of a firm. One another feature gaining popularity is ease of interface at user end. Brand Asset Management by Web Dam Solutions and Digital asset management by WEBDAM serve well for ease of interface.
One major key feature which is the highest amongst concerns for a firm is security. With high grade anonymity at internet, there is a stark need of proper security provisions of the assets. Especially, brand assets are to be strictly guarded. To strengthen the security of the assets provision of hierarchical based permission to the asset is introduced.
The assets are then limited to functionality depending upon the hierarchical position of the user at access end. While opting for Brand Asset Management by Web Dam Solutions and Digital asset management by WEBDAM, one finds a feature for watermarking of assets.
Some of the advanced features one can look for are copyrights management and handling of terms of use. When talking in terms of brand asset management, the exclusive care of these features is a must.
Some advanced solutions also provide a provision for integration of E-commerce with the assets. This enables the clients to prefix the commercial values of their assets and make them available for purchase. They can even handle the received payments.
After reviewing all standard and advanced features, one can opt for a preferable solution for management of their digital assets. However, utilization and purpose should always be kept in mind. Also the ease of accessibility should prioritize the decision.
Solutions like Brand Asset Management by Web Dam Solutions and Digital asset management by WEBDAM deals accessibility at beforehand. Definite management of assets always results in reduction of cost of retrieval.
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